
Complete Suite of Services for Comprehensive Zero-Carbon Management

With pioneering high-res (100m level) carbon emission measurement from our carbon satellite and advanced CO2 and CH4 concentration retrieval algorithm, and intelligent vegetation indices generation for forestry monitoring from high-res remote sensing data, we are able to generate high resolution maps of CO2 and CH4 concentrations identify emission hotspots and sinks, and offer a complete suite of reliable and robust carbon emission monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system for both carbon emissions and carbon credit projects, and support both compliance and voluntary carbon market.

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Carbon Management

Carbon Emission Management

With pioneering high-res (100m level) carbon emission measurement from our carbon satellite and advanced CO2 and CH4 concentration retrieval algorithm, we are able to generate high resolution maps of CO2 and CH4 concentrations and emission fluxes, identify emission hotspots and create a digital twin of carbon emissions.

Based on this, we offer a reliable and robust carbon emission monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system for industries with high-intensity carbon emissions, e.g., power plants.

Carbon Asset Management

With intelligent vegetation indices generation for forestry monitoring from high-res remote sensing data with multi-spectral optical satellites, we help solve the trust issue by enabling: Continuous monitoring of forestry project site (tree cover, density, growth etc.). Incident monitoring and management – wildfire etcMore scientific and accurate


Simplify the material preparation process for carbon project development. Reduce carbon asset monitoring and maintenance costs. Quantifying the effects of carbon reduction measures. Increase carbon asset prices.

Carbon Portfolio and Net-zero Journey Management

Build a portfolio of the world’s best nature-based projects. Measure and manage your portfolio through a carbon lens. Harness tech-enabled insights to invest in the highest quality carbon credits.

Provide continuous high-quality carbon project verification. Help establish achievable and quantifiable carbon reduction strategies. Visualize carbon reduction results. Meet short/medium/long-term carbon project investment needs.

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